Move your Mouse

Announcing Auto Gift Cards

I’m excited to announce a revolution in the way you save money online: Automatic Gift Cards.

Next time you’re at an online checkout, take note of that gift card field.

Soon, our browser extension is going to alert you at hundreds of the largest online retailers, offering to auto-fill a discount gift card into that field for you.

So, how does it work? It’s stupid easy.

  1. First, Sign Up for an account at (it’s free).
  2. Install the browser extension (It’s a very simple + lightweight app which lives in your browser, only waking up when it’s time to save you money)
  3. At checkout, click the Checkout Saver icon and you’ll have the option to purchase an available discount gift card. We’ll always display the best price, say, $20 for a $25 Gift Card.
  4. Purchase a gift card using your Checkout Saver account balance or credit card with a click of the mouse.
  5. The gift card will be auto-filled into the checkout form.
  6. Pay the remaining balance on the order, and you’ve just saved money!



Let’s say you’re buying $30 of avocados at At checkout, you use Checkout Saver to purchase a $25 Gift Card for $20 (a 20% discount!). The gift card is automatically applied with a single click, and the outstanding total is cut to $5. You finish paying however you’d like, and smirk at all those free avocados*. (Note: The way things are going, a savings of $5 may only represent a single free avocado, not plural as the punch line suggests. Still, a free avocado in 2019? That’s cause for celebration)